If you cannot afford that expensive gym membership, bodyweight calisthenics is a program that can enhance your strength, conditioning, and fitness just as fast. Additionally, if you are new to body fitness training, then bodyweight calisthenics is the best place to start. They offer a good base from which you add advanced resistance exercises.

Calisthenics, also frequently known as bodyweight training, involves exercises where you use your own body as resistance. Calisthenics offer progressive body strength and flexibility without or with little equipment. For this reason, you can work out at home, at the office, or the neighborhood park. Examples of such exercises are push-ups, pull-ups, bridges, squats, lunges, and leg raises.

A bodyweight calisthenics routine will improve your strength, your cardio respiratory endurance, and burn stored body fat. Varying your exercises (sets and reps) and force will increase your strength, conditioning, and lean mass. Additionally, this increases your speed, power, and agility.

Calisthenics training for beginners

Begin gradually, do not overdo it: bodyweight calisthenics exercises may appear easy, but you should not underestimate them. If performed with the right form and intensity, the will generate results.

Always warm up before beginning your routine and cool down when you are done: warming up helps to prepare your body for the difficulty of the workout while cooling down allows the body to begin the process of repair.

Always do exercises in the right way: calisthenics exercises are the easiest, safest, and most effective type of exercise if done right. Find the time to do the research on the correct technique for each exercise. Find books, videos, and photos that demonstrate the correct way to perform the exercises. You can also use a mirror, a coach, or a partner who will make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly. As a result, you will benefit from the results and avoid injuries.

Below Is A Calisthenics Routine For Beginners:

The First Month

The 5 by 5: after you are familiar with these basic bodyweight exercises, your short term goal should be to correctly do a minimum of 5 pushups, 5 pull ups/chin ups (if you have a pull up bar), 5 squats, 5 dips (use chairs, dip bars or power tower), and 5 leg lifts/raises. These 5 easy exercises can offer the base for a full body workout that you can do at least three times every week. After doing your warm-up, carry out each exercise one after the other until you have done all 5. You should then rest for 30 seconds to 60 seconds then repeat. Repeat the 5 exercises until the set time is over or until you can no longer do them in the correct form.

Pushups: this exercise works out the muscles of your upper body with focus on your shoulders, chest, and triceps. You can also change your hand width – wide grip, close grip, or you can place your feet on a bench to change angles.

Pull ups: this exercise trains the upper body with focus on the back and biceps. Add variety by altering the hand grip and width – overhand, underhand, wide grip, close grip and so on.

Squats: squats work out the largest muscle group of the body and should not be ignored. Performing squats also encourages the generation and release of hormones that enable you to build fat and burn fat.

Dips: dips train low chest muscles and triceps. Leaning more forward will focus on your chest and leaning back will focus on your triceps.

Leg lifts or leg raises: in case you can access a pull up bar, hang from the bar and lift your knees to your chest. Additionally, while keeping your legs straight, lift them until they are perpendicular to the floor. Yu can also do this exercise by lying on the floor and with your hands placed under your butt, raise and lower your legs. This exercise focuses on your lower abdominals, working lots of muscles in the abdominal area.

The first month should be about making your body used to these exercises. The moment the 5 by 5 becomes simple, increase the number of days for performing these exercises and repeat them as much as you can.

Second And Third Month

8 by 8: now that the body is used to calisthenics exercises, it is time to add more leg and abdominal exercises. This ensures that you get a complete body workout that focuses on major muscle groups such as the back, chest, legs, abs and arms.

Warm up with side straddle hops (jumping jacks) and high-knees – while jogging in place, lift your knees to waist level and keeping raising your legs while pumping your arms.

This time, you should do 8 repetitions and add these three exercises to the first five. So you will be doing 8 repetitions for 8 exercises.

Burpees: begin at a standing position, squat and place your hands on the floor and kick your feet back until you are in a pushup position. Push off with your feet until they are back under you in a squat position and then explode upwards with your arms swinging forward and jump off the floor. You should control your descent so that you can get back at the squat position. Repeat the process 8 times.

Shoulder touches: to do this exercise, begin at the pushup position with a straight back and with your hands below your shoulders. While maintaining this plank position, lift your right hand and touch left shoulder. Place your hand back and touch your right shoulder with your left hand. Alternately repeat left and right touches until you complete 8 repetitions.

Squat jumps: this is similar to your bodyweight jumps, but when you get to the bottom of your squat, you will jump straight off the floor and the moment you land you will gradually lower yourself down the bottom squat and jump again. Repeat this 8 times.


I am Daniel, a Toronto-based fitness coach and yoga instructor. I’ve been helping the people of my lovely city improve their health and set up their home gyms for over a decade. I also write reviews on my website to help people understand how to use various fitness equipment such as rowing machines.

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